So I gave my Physics 20 class their unit exam on Waves the other day. I thought it would be neat to try something to test how students take exams. Here is what I put in the first paragraph of the test, "You may use a calculator for this exam. Be sure to state any formulas you use and be sure to keep track of units in your solutions. Any formulas that you need will be provided for you on the formula sheet. If you have read all of this and get to this last sentence (within the first 5 min), raise your hand and point to the last word in this paragraph and I will give you a mark!" I had 8 out of 24 students notice this and get the extra mark. So this shows me that students don't even take the time to read all the instructions. So no wonder they have problems solving questions...they probably don't even read the whole question. I can remember one of my university prof's doing this with us. Only he stressed reading the whole exam before you started to get an overall idea of what the exam was like and for us to get an idea of how to budget our time. So we had to find the little note somewhere in the whole test to get a mark. My students couldn't even read the first paragraph! Is it that students today don't have the patients? They just want to get in and get out without to much pain. Or is it the form of evaluation? Perhaps there is the pressure that they feel they have to get done in a certain amount of time, therefore, they feel they don't have time for the details.
Maybe this little experiment will teach them to READ the test!
Student Concentration
Friday, November 30, 2007
Student Concentration
Posted by
Tyler Pokoyoway
11:05 PM
Labels: Exams, Students, Test taking
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A Tsunami Sized Task
So as a wrap up to my waves unit in the Physics20 course I had the students apply their knowledge through the unit to complete a task. Their task was to come up with a design to prevent on-shore destruction from a Tsunami. I made a Tsunami Tank that they could test their designs in. (see video) The students had to use concepts we learned in class to base their design on. Things like energy transfer, interference, reflection, refraction and diffraction were discussed. Some students really got into and some not so much. Along with their design the students have to hand in a report that includes the science behind their design (with proper terminology), a feasibility study, a side effect analysis (environmental, economical and aesthetics) as well, after they tested their design they have to include a reflection on what worked, what didn't and things they would change. I video taped the event and have included the video. Have a look.
Looking back I think I would do this task again. It is a good way to tie together the concepts we learned and it allows the students the opportunity to transfer their knowledge and demonstrate true understanding of the concepts.
Posted by
Tyler Pokoyoway
11:27 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Another Level
So our beloved football team in the province, the Saskatchewan Roughriders, did the unthinkable and managed to obtain the coveted Grey Cup for the 2007 football season. Now you might be thinking, "what does this have to do with teaching?" Well the scenario is like this. After the game a group of us decided to jump in the car and head downtown to take part in all the celebrating and displays of Rider pride that have been building up for the past 18 years. We were sitting in traffic when all of a sudden two young men came running up between the cars wearing some shorts, a t-shirt and waving a Roughrider flag. Now this was nothing out of the ordinary, as far as that night went, but when one of the the young gentleman came closer he sort of hesitated for a minute and made eye contact with me. Well if it isn't one of my students. I could tell he didn't know what to do and was waiting to see what my reaction would be. Of course my teacher thinking kicked in and I thought, "ok, what is the appropriate thing to do?" But then something kicked in and I went with my human instinct to share in the recent fortune and common victory that was our capture of the Grey Cup. So I proceeded to roll down my window, reach out my hand for a high-five and yell out a "GO RIDERS!" Is it possible that a communities love for a team or a sport can transcend the lines between teacher and student. For a moment I wasn't the "teacher" and he wasn't the "student", we were equals, tied to our common bond of cheering and supporting a team that is interwoven with our culture and community. When I saw the young man the next day in class he shot an awkward smile my way and I winked and smiled back. The question still rolls around in my head, "should I have been more professional?" Looking back I wouldn't have changed anything. If we want to build relationships with students we have show who we really are and allow ourselves and them to show some vulnerability without fear of judgment or repercussion. If this one moment in time, where we shared something as equals, opens up the opportunity for a student to feel more comfortable with opening up and communicating then all I have to say is, GO RIDERS GO!
John Gormley on winning "the Cup"
Posted by
Tyler Pokoyoway
10:57 PM
Labels: Riders, StudentRelationships, teaching
Friday, November 16, 2007
Don't do it just 'cause
My academic adviser came out to observe me today. It was a Physics 20 lesson on wave interference. First I had them investigate interference with slinky's. Then we went back into the classroom and discussed the students observations. We verified/disproved their hypothesis about what happened with in constructive interference and destructive interference by showing internet applets that modeled both types of interference. Following this I discussed a real world example of destructive interference, mufflers, through the site, After this we applied the principle of superposition through two examples on the overhead with waves. One example was waves that were in phase and one with the waves out of phase. My adviser really liked my use of technology to do the job that it is designed for. Often times we get a new toy or new piece of technology and we make the lesson fit the technology instead of using the technology to fit the lesson. When it comes right down to it we want the students to learn what we are trying to teach them. Whether or not there are bells and whistles is irrelevant when it comes to students learning. If it will help clarify a concept, engage a student or inspire more questions, use it. We have to be careful not to use something just because it might be cool!
See my adviser's blog on the same event: Differentiated instruction
The Strength of Weak Ties: To Integrate or to be Integral?
Misuse of Technology
Posted by
Tyler Pokoyoway
3:26 PM
Labels: pedagogy, teaching, technology
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Passing the Blogging bug on
Today we had our third Digital Literacy Club meeting at school. Today I introduced blogging and got my students set up with their own blog. They seemed pretty excited about it. It will be interesting to see where they take it. At some points the seemed to be overwhelmed with all the options and possibilities. I can remember feeling this way myself when I first started.
Here are some links to their blogs.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Damn Technology!!
Ever have a great lesson planned or demo and you get to the part where the technology comes in and all of a sudden nothing wants to work! I had this scenario play out the other day in my math class. I had the projector hooked up to my laptop and I was going to show some things with graphs and of course nothing is cooperating. Makes you think quick on your feet, I guess. it and hate it (at times).
Posted by
Tyler Pokoyoway
10:38 PM
Labels: technology frustrations
Thursday, November 8, 2007
A venture out...
As I sit at the edge of my internship experience I am looking over the edge. Over the edge of the traditional style of teaching peering into the abyss that is where the profession of teaching is heading. Where that is nobody knows, but what we do know is that the days of desks in rows and dusty chalkboards are numbered. The only thing is can we hang on for the ride? Sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with all the options that are out there to bring into the classroom. For a sample check out Mr. Alec Couros' wiki on Web2.0.
My venture has started out modest but effective...I think. I've created a wiki that allows my students to ask questions outside the classroom and have the opportunity to get an answer before they get back to the classroom. With the help of sketchcast ( I am able to respond to my students questions visually and verbally. As well, I can keep my students up to date with assignments and what topics we have covered each week with links to websites with extra help and examples. So far the response has been mediocre. Check it out.
Posted by
Tyler Pokoyoway
7:07 PM
Labels: teaching, technology, wiki's